6 years ago
Julia King
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
Fortunately not enough space for numerous lavatorial jokes
This page is closed and is not accepting further donations
6 years ago
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
Fortunately not enough space for numerous lavatorial jokes
Event date: 4th June 2018
Hilde Browning is raising money for Hay2Timbuktu
Shockingly access to decent toilets and hand washing facilities around the world is still the exception rather than the rule. Proper sanitation is life-changing - using proper toilets and hand washing prevents the transfer of bacteria, viruses and parasites which otherwise contaminate water, soil and food, causing many diseases. These illnesses, along with the lack of private and discrete facilities, stop pupils attending school.
School sanitation in Timbuktu is an urgent issue; all three schools need help. Most toilets in Mali are simple, hole-in-the-ground affairs, and the schools don?t have high expectations. They just want a simple construction, discreetly located, with separate facilities for girls, boys, and for teachers.
It costs about £125 to build and fit out a toilet cubicle. I'd like to help some teenagers in Timbuktu towards a better education and a better quality of life.
Thank you so much, Hilde
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