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Total raised so far


£555.00 of £550 target +£84.38 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

2 years ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good work Chris!

2 years ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

2 years ago

Chris Rumble


2 years ago



Happy birthday mum, keep it up, love Jo

2 years ago

Hayley Read


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

2 years ago

Peter Rumble


+ £8.12 Gift Aid

2 years ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

with love from Codita

2 years ago

Jackie Fairbank


Luna sends her love, well done.

2 years ago

Chris Rumble


Just won £10 on premium bonds, can't think of a better place to spend it

2 years ago

Tonicha Gunnell


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Mission 22

Event dates: 2nd April 2022 – 22nd August 2022

Chris Rumble is raising money for Paws2Rescue

My story

I first found paws2rescue when I adopted Daisy 6 years ago and have since discovered how much more than a dog adoption charity they are. Their work includes supporting neutering both strays and pets where their owners can't afford it, preventative and acute medical care, surgery for traumatic injuries, working with local NGOs to build a new shelter in an area where there is no care for animals, supporting the amazing Romanian rescuers caring for dogs, cats, and farm animals, taking education into schools to help change future generations approach to animal care, knowing how communities struggle at Christmas they send hundreds of parcels to children, they support an SAS (safe and sound) community of animals who will never find forever homes of their own, and most recently they have worked with a local NGO and monastery to send help into Ukraine for both people and animals devastated by the war. And when they do adopt dogs to new homes they are always there for support and advice, they never just adopt out and walk away. They are a small team who work hard with both passion and compassion to make a huge impact on the lives of those they care for. For this and more (I will have forgotten some of their work I'm sure) they have my never ending respect and support.
This year paws2rescue have set themselves a mission to raise £22,000 between April 2nd and August 22nd. With this they are working with NGO Phoenix animal protection and human care, and University Spiru Haret Bucharest to take a mobile clinic into areas where no vets are available. They will enable newly qualified vets to get valuable experience, provide health care for animals that need it, neutering of course, provide kennels, collars and other basics for animal care. Rather than just provide care for the animals in these communities where there is a need they will also help with food for the people as well. A total approach to help communities learn animal and value welfare.
To reach this mission target of £22,000 paws2rescue is hoping 100 of us will take up the challenge of raising £220 each by doing something related to 22. For my part I am aiming to lose 2.2kg in 22 days from 27th April till 18th May. In the 2 years prior to covid I lost 35kg, yes I know horrendous, it was over 1/3 of my total weight, but I felt great and it helped my health and mobility enormously. During covid I put on 20kg and over the last year I have gradually lost 13kg but now seem to have plateaued and not lost anything for 6 weeks. So this 2.2kg goal will I hope kickstart to the final target. To aid this I shall give up cake and chocolate and aim to walk 22 miles over the 22 days. Now that may not sound like a lot, but trust me with my mobility as it is it really is quite a challenge. I will be very grateful to any and all who feel they would like to sponsor me in my challenge and help paws2rescue meet their mission goal.
In addition I am going to try and lose the rest of the 7kg I have to get back to precovid weight before August 22nd. This is my own personal challenge and I will donate £10 for every 1kg I lose between now and then.
Thank you for taking the time to read this I truly appreciate your support.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Paws2Rescue.

My updates

2 years ago

Hi all, tomorrow is the last day of paws2rescue mission 22. I set out to try and get back to precovid weight but sadly I haven't quite made it 😪. I have however lost another 1kg and paid my £10 for that AND that has taken me from BMI overweight index to a BMI healthy weight index, OK only by 0.1kg but hey it's still an achievement 🤗 and as I haven't been dieting (never really worked for me in the past) but learning to be healthier I'm dead chuffed with myself.
So today I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported me and everyone else who took up the challenge for this year's mission 22, THANK YOU ALL. If anyone thought when they saw my earlier updates "oh I'll give to that later" but never got round to it, it's not too late and your help will contribute to saving more dogs being born into a life of neglect, starvation, pain and abuse. Thank you for caring.

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2 years ago

Morning all, it's my birthday and Daisy and Haddon kindly reminded me after today I have to knuckle down again and lose a few more kg to swell the sponsor fund. I have to admit June has been a great month with an amazing retirement do, my grandson's birthday and last Monday a bbq with friends from A&E, some of whom I haven't seen for 3, yes 3 years since I left. And yes I ate and drank, definitely drank, way too much, but hey you have to be daft occasionally, I did have a great time. But tomorrow I'm back on target to see if I can swell this fund a bit more. Have a great Sunday all, I plan to 🤗

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2 years ago

Oma here, just to say mum has just reached her target of £500, whoopee. But she's not stopping, she's still got till August to lose those extra kilos, not that June boades well with a retirement do and 3 birthdays, her own included 🤪. Still there's 6 weeks after so keep your eyes open for further updates. Thanks to everyone who has supported mum and 🤗💕🥂, love Oma

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2 years ago

Just been signed off by my physio, she says she's done her bit, but in reality it's my dogs that are doing wonders and keeping me out of a wheelchair 🥰. So this is a huge thank you to them and to help paws2rescue continue their amazing work to rescue more dogs so that they in turn can rescue peeps like me 😉. I'm only 12% off my target now, if anyone can spare a few pennies, price of a cup of coffee I will greatly appreciate it. Many, many thanks as always for all your support, Chris 🤗

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2 years ago

WHOOPEE!!! I have done it. As you can see from the picture I have lost more than the 2.2kg aim. I actually reached 2.2kg loss at the weekend but needed till today to complete my 22 miles. And my 22 days end tomorrow, so done on time too. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so far but if anyone was waiting for me to complete my challenge then any further donations will be very gratefully received, truly every single £1 helps save lives. So that is my 22 day sponsored challenge complete, now for my personal challenge. To get to my precovid weight I have another 6.5kg to lose and I'm aiming for that before the end of the mission August 22nd. For each 1kg I lose I will donate £10. Wish me luck and help me achieve my mission target of £500 for paws2rescue please.

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Chris Rumble is fundraising for


Charity number: 1156882

Chris Rumble is fundraising as part of


2nd April 2022 - 22nd August 2022

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