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Event dates: 23rd February 2009 – 23rd July 2009
Rin Roche is raising money for FRIENDS OF CATHJA
My story
Friends of Cathja is continually looking for ways to keep our overheads as low as possible, one of the ways we are looking at doing this is to install some solar panels, which also means we will be more environmentally friendly. We make sure that money raised is spent absolutely only where it is needed and reducing heating costs will reduce our overheads. We use an old second hand van for example rather than a brand new shiny one, with no sign writing. We have a couple of charity shops, which raise over half of the funds we need to keep going, and only one person is fully employed. The rest of the money we need is raised via grants and donors. By using our funds in the most effective way, we ensure that the money is spent on the people that need our project. We hope you will support us in our appeal.
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