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Water in Kenya with Love Ur Neighbour

Event date: 25th March 2024

Steve Blunt and 2024 team are raising money for Links

Our story

21 young people want to make a difference in this world, so they have chosen Kenya - we are building a water catchment system in a village in Kilifi, this will enable at least 30 girls to get to school instead of walking miles and miles with 25 litre containers to get water. Everyone (including leaders) raise £1900 to make the trip happen, this includes flights, accomodation, food and materials to get the job done.
We would love you to partner with us in raising a tenth of the overall budget (you can do more if you like!!!)
This is life changing both for the girls in Kenya and for each of the young people who choose to use their time to rough it, work hard and do something - Can we ask you to partner with us and be part of making something happen, bigger than yourself? Every hour spent working on the project costs £47.50 (about the price per hour of getting your car fixed) Will you support one of our young people for an hour.  Massive thank you for reading so for and every bit of valuable support.

Thank you lots

The 2024 Love Ur Neighbour team

PS There is a video - not of this project but gives an idea of what gets acheived!

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Steve Blunt and 2024 team are fundraising for


Charity number: 1168872

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