3 years ago
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Recent donations
3 years ago
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Well done whoosh
3 years ago
Inger Bauer
Well done WHOOSH
3 years ago
3 years ago
Paul Tribe
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
3 years ago
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Well done.
3 years ago
Jennifer Raper
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Well done Jonathan and the rest of the Whoosh group for your achievements.
3 years ago
+ £50.00 Gift Aid
3 years ago
Robert Wright
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
3 years ago
+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Whoosh supports First Step Trust in 2021
Event dates: 9th September 2021 – 14th September 2021
Whoosh are raising money for First Step Trust
Our story
Whoosh is a group of friendly cyclists mainly from south London. Every year for the last 15 years we have completed a cycling trip over a long weekend somewhere in the UK or Ireland to raise money for different charities. Although we had to pause in 2020 neither global pandemic nor ageing knees could stop us for long and we have re-grouped for the 10-13 September when about 38 of us will cycle the mighty King Alfred's Way; "a 350km circular off-road adventure route through 10,000 years of history".
We shall be supporting First Step Trust (FST firststeptrust.org.uk/) a charity based in south London which offers training and skills to people who have missed out on educational and career opportunities because of mental ill health, learning disability or a criminal justice history. FST run a fish and chip shop (Abbevilles in Clapham) and a car garage which provide a whole range of opportunities for people to gain skills and qualifications so they can apply for other jobs. What we love about FST is their imagination and vision for work as something that gives self worth for everyone and that everyone has a contribution to make in the workplace. Their energy and creativity has led them to get involved in research to make training more accessible (for instance using Virtual Reality) as well as to think laterally about how to help people learn to drive. Although we are cyclists most of us also drive and recognise the practical reality that many entry level jobs are in driving.
Thank you for your support. You can follow our progress on whoosh.org.uk
Thank you for checking out our page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto First Step Trust.
Our updates
3 years ago
Day 4. Tidcombe to Reading
A shorter day allowed us to enjoy breakfast in the garden and pay a visit to the beautiful old Tidcombe church. After some essential bike maintenance and being joined by a mysterious regal presence.. (see the blog on whoosh.org.uk) we set off, soon departing from tarmac.. Whilst some headed to for a more leisurely cycle along the Avon & Kennett canal towpath others got waylaid and ended up cycling along the Ridgeway. A stupendous walk but a very taxing cycle! Never mind, after skirting Greenham Common and some fast descents we found an excellent lunch in Aldermaston. A few speedy types headed for the road and direct to London (c.80miles) and some joined the canal group for a pleasant afternoon, ending up at Reading Station in time for the 17:39 to Clapham Junction leaving just 3 to retrace the Prologue in reverse the following day. Thus ends another epic Whoosh. Thanks +++ to all our very generous supporters.
3 years ago
Day 3. Salisbury to Tidcombe
Wonderful B&B in Salisbury gave us the surplus sausages and bacon from breakfast for our sandwiches and we headed off via a short stop at Salisbury Cathedral. King Arthur's Way is pretty much all off road and much of the terrain was really tough but after Salisbury we managed to take in Old Sarum, Stonehenge and Avebury village famous for being surrounded by standing stones of the same vintage as Stonehenge. Unfortunately this was where my mobile phone fell into a loo immediately setting me back 30 years. We arrived at Tidcombe in the gathering gloom and once more were welcomed by a Whoosh family to sofas, tents, the barn and the odd bed. After supper a local Bishop swung by to sing and read from his upcoming book about connecting with the ancient landscape of Wiltshire.
3 years ago
Day 2. Hayling Island to Salisbury
A lovely sunny start after wonderful evening hosted by a Whoosh family on Hayling Island. The first part of the day was along the coast after negotiating Portsmouth and a bit of wiggling through Southampton then into glorious albeit hilly countryside. The off road sections sometimes very challenging but great downhill whooshing on the roads too. Some had the time to call in at Winchester Cathedral but most were a little slower so went direct, arriving in Salisbury in the nick of time to shower and head for delicious Lebanese meal in town.
3 years ago
Day 1 Reading to Hayling Island
A long haul with an option to take the train for a stretch. Raining to start with but soon cleared to perfect cycling weather. Some great off road routes through forests and countrysides despite occasionally hairy gravelly descents. Brilliant hosts on Hayling. Fully restored for Day 2!
3 years ago
Day 0 The Prologue
10 left St Saviour's along with some supporters, 11 left Abbevilles cafe fortified with good coffee and 12 left Richmond Park. All 12 made it to Reading in good time and now (Friday) awaiting the main party to join us by rail before heading south. For more details see whoosh.org.uk/posts/whoosh-21-day-0/
Thanks to all for your support