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Yorkshire Charity Life Drawing 2025
Geoff Almond is raising money for Leeds Hospitals Charity
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Following last years successful charity life drawing day where we raised over £1,000, we are once again running the event. This year it is being held on Sunday 23 March, once again at Chain Lane Community Hub in Knaresborough.
This event is aimed at all levels from those who want to try something new to experienced artists. People say “I can’t draw” but everyone has to start somewhere and I know from personal experience that art can be so rewarding. In times where there is a focus on mental health, art can be a great solution. Whilst not a taught class, guidance will be available on the day. There will be two rooms running concurrently all day, one focusing on short poses and another on long poses. There is a morning session 9:30am to 12:30pm and an afternoon session 1:00pm to 4:00pm or why not join for the whole day. Refreshments will be available on the day.
Art is something that can be experienced by everyone so why not follow the link to the ticketing site for more information
Ticket site:
If you are unable to attend, there is a donation site for the benefit of both charities, which are Leeds Hospitals Charity and Saint Michaels’ Hospice. or using
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram on @yorkshirecharitylifedrawing
Hope to see you there. Grab your ticket while they are still available. There is a Zoom option available as well if you are unable to get to Knaresborough.
It’s a big thank you to Chain Lane Community Hub for donating the rooms and to all the models who are kindly donating their time. Without such generousity, events such as this would not be possible.
Hope to see you there!
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This page is in memory of
Dominic Hartley
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