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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Joshua Orphan & Community Care, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far

£1,685.00 Online donations +£293.75 Gift Aid See breakdown

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About us

We support community driven sustainable development projects which support vulnerable children and their families living in Malawi.

Charity number: 1114727

Cyclone Freddy long term recovery support

Cyclone Freddy caused widespread devastation and destruction across the areas where our communities are based. Our Emergency Appeal, and the generous donations of our supporters, meant that we were able to provide essential emergency relief in the immediate aftermath. Thank you.
With your help we provided much needed plastic sheeting, maize and soya, bucket taps, water guard and soap and used our CBCCs as shelters and aid distribution hubs.

Our CBCCs are all open again and the children can once again enjoy the benefits of these. However, we have damage to the kitchen and latrines at Ching’ambe and the latrines at Mwandika that need repairing to make them safe and serviceable.

Most importantly, our communities are now faced with the challenges of longer-term recovery, rebuilding and food security. Our communities rely on subsistence farming and many families have seen whole crops washed away, along with the topsoil. Harvests before the cyclone were poor and stores of food have been swept away. These families do not have the means to replace these crops and are now facing some critical challenges ahead.

We are now seeking support to help provide these families with alternative crops for the forthcoming season and maize for next year, but we can’t do this without your help.

The scale of destruction and the volume of work needed to enable families to rebuild their lives, repair their homes and achieve sustainable food security is unprecedented. As a small charity, our reach is limited, but with your help we can once again aim to provide the means for families to stand on their own two feet again.

Please consider donating to help ensure that no one goes hungry.

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2 siblings. 2 sports. 2 marathons. 1 goal.

2 siblings. 2 sports. 2 marathons. 1 goal.

Danielle and Adrian

£1,555.00 raised