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This campaign is closed and is not accepting further donations

If you'd like to support Àban, please view their charity page.

Total raised so far

£9,680.00 Online donations +£1,670.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

About us

We run Scotland's only independent DofE Open Award group, an outdoor club for Young Carers and an innovative Adventurous Learning programme in local schools.

We're a registered Scottish charity and a thriving social enterprise. We help get you out on positive adventures right here in your own community.

Charity number: SC051413

Corporate partner

Kessock Ferry Swim 2023

Event date: Sunday 25th June 2023

The Kessock Ferry Swim is a historic local tradition. Taking part also helps children in Merkinch & throughout Inverness! Your support will help us deliver healthy outdoor activities to children and families who wouldn't normally get the chance.

25% of sponsorship funds will be shared with our 2023 Community Partner, Merkinch's very own Clachnacuddin Football Club.

How it works

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Collect donations on your page including Gift Aid where eligible.

Our Strava activity

161.5km distance
67:53:22 time
4 fundraisers
59 activities
View on Strava
Rosie and Jules Swim the Kessock

Rosie and Jules Swim the Kessock

Rosie and Julia

£1,275.00 raised of £200 target

Pamela's Kessock Ferry Swim 2023

Pamela's Kessock Ferry Swim 2023

Pamela Graham

£330.00 raised of £200 target

Mollys Kessock Ferry Swim 2023!

Mollys Kessock Ferry Swim 2023!

Molly Fraser

£360.00 raised of £100 target

Coldingham Brave Bayers on Tour! Linzi, Martha, Sally & Sharron's swim page

Coldingham Brave Bayers on Tour! Linzi, Martha, Sally & Sharron's swim page

Linzi Betts

£560.00 raised of £400 target