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Total raised so far

£1,980.37 See breakdown

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Fundraise with Talysis Ltd

Talysis Ltd uses data to help brands, retailers and wholesalers sell more, more profitably. We provide actionable insights, to make life easier. In 2023, Talysis is celebrating our 15th anniversary, with a special fundraising campaign for 3 local charities. We aim to turn £15 into £15k.

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How to get involved

Join our campaign

We'll soon be creating some campaigns for you to join - you can then create your own Fundraising Page and start raising donations.

Share online

Share your page or our campaign across your social media channels to encourage donations.

Make and receive donations

Collect donations on your page including Gift Aid where eligible. You can also donate to your colleagues' pages to help them to their target.

Supporting 3 charities

Leeds Hospitals Charity

Charity number: 1170369

£736.94 raised so far + £56.32 Gift Aid


Dementia Forward

Charity number: 1148225

£621.73 raised so far + £42.52 Gift Aid


Yorkshire Cancer Research

Charity number: 516898

£621.70 raised so far + £42.50 Gift Aid


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