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5K for hypermobility
Event date: 15th September 2024
Emily Nunns is raising money for Hypermobility Syndromes Association
My story
Most people who know me know that I’ve had issues with my joints almost all of my life. For a lot of my time in school I have been reliant on crutches because of injury caused by hypermobility and when I wasn’t reliant on crutches I wasn’t exactly going anywhere very fast - running was my least favourite thing to do. I want to complete this 5k not only to prove to myself that I can do things I never thought I would be able to do but also to raise money for the hypermobility syndromes association so that hopefully they’re able to help people who struggle with living their life as they want to because of the illness. I also want to bring awareness to the fact that hypermobility can be disabling: many people are unaware of the fact that hypermobility can affect every single aspect of your life and isn’t just being “bendy” or “super flexible”.
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