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This page is closed and is not accepting further donations

Total raised so far


£675.00 of £750 target +£128.75 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Sunday 5th February 2023



Friday 3rd February 2023

Clive L Smith


Wednesday 1st February 2023

David & Eleanor


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

Good luck!

Tuesday 31st January 2023

Andrew Benson


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Good luck team

Saturday 28th January 2023

Sarah R


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Friday 27th January 2023

Omar Lone


+ £10.00 Gift Aid

Friday 27th January 2023

Omar Lone


+ £10.00 Gift Aid

Friday 27th January 2023

Sarah Jaques


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck!

Friday 27th January 2023

Liz H


Friday 27th January 2023



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Team Gresham House: Ops...I did it again!

Event date: 3rd March 2023

Gresham House Ops Team is raising money for LYR and British Heart Foundation (Scotland)

My story

Gresham House is supporting LYR and the British Heart Foundation by participating in "Race the Thames". Our team's challenge is to row 72km (or do the equivalent in terms of distance and effort e.g. space hopping!). Now, we know many of you will think this is quite an easy target for a team of 8! However, everyone in the Gresham House "Ops!.. I did it again!" team LOVES cake...get the picture?!!

LYR is a youth charity that motivates, inspires, and empowers young people from disadvantaged communities through the life skills gained from Rowing. Active Row is uniquely placed to enable those who sit on the side-lines at PE to get active, find positive social groups and develop essential life skills that rowing nurtures.

The British Heart Foundation is a charity whose vision is for there to be a world free from the fear of heart and circulatory diseases. The BHF raise money to research cures and treatments so that they can give people more time with the ones they love.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto LYR and British Heart Foundation (Scotland).

My 2 charities


Charity number: 1122941

British Heart Foundation (Scotland)

Charity number: SC039426 Scottish charity

Gresham House Ops Team is fundraising as part of

Race the Thames 2023

3rd March 2023

More great ways you can raise funds