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Total raised so far


£195.00 of £1,000 target +£42.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

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22 hours ago

Lynne Hood


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Amazing effort, good luck both!

1 week ago

Jennie Curtis


You go girl! x

1 week ago

Alfie Hazell


+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Good luck Clare and Sarah. I know you’re both be amazing.

1 week ago

Ernie Hazell


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Good luck mummy and auntie xx

Sarah and Clare’s half marathon for EB

Event date: 6th April 2025

Sarah Krailing and Clare Kilcoyne are raising money for DEBRA

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Our story

We are both running the London Landmarks Half Marathon on the 6th April to raise money for DEBRA. Clare is also running 3 half marathons in 3 months so deserves extra sponsorship!

When Erin was born, Matt and Sarah had no idea that in addition to becoming parents, they would need to become wound care experts too.

Sarah’s daughter Erin was born with a very rare condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa, which means her skin is very fragile and normal toddler behaviour can cause painful wounds that take a very long time to heal. EB varies hugely from person to person and we are very lucky that compared to most families, Erin presents mildly. Despite this, her condition impacts us every day as we constantly risk assess our activities to try to prevent or deal with injuries.

In the last 18 months, we have met so many wonderful families whose lives are impacted to an extraordinary degree, and they face each day with such resilience and bravery. No child should have to endure this condition and we have to raise awareness of this disease so a cure can be found.

We are running as sisters for DEBRA to say thank you for the support they provide to families whose lives can be turned upside down by this disease.

When it gets hard, we will think of Erin and the other wonderful children and families and keep going!

Thank you for your support.

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Sarah Krailing and Clare Kilcoyne are fundraising for


Charity number: 1084958

Sarah Krailing and Clare Kilcoyne are fundraising as part of

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